I said I would make two posts today, but I'm not going to have enough time to make two really long ones like I need so. So I'm going to cheat and make a links post! Here you are, proof that I'm still spending too much time online even in Japan:
Daily Tar Heel: 'New ticket plan unveiled'
As Darth Vader once said: No.
GQ: 'The Real Maverick'
I haven't even looked at this yet, but the fact that GQ did an article on Russ Feingold is just fantastic. Fabulous, maybe even.
UNC Student Congress Finance Committee: 2006-07
I seriously doubt anybody else but me will care in the slightest, but I just found out that Student Congress archives all of UNC's organizations' annual finance requests. Marvel at how Campus Crusade for Christ requested $42,000 and got less than a quarter of that, or take a look at how I completely managed to botch Carolina Academic Team's budget presentation.
Hahaha, you totally flipped out once we left Student Congress!
You didn't botch it, you did pretty good!
And as for the new ticket distribution, yeah; Sara told me about really really sucks.
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